Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And we're off!

Posting a blog has been something I have considered for some time now, both for personal and professional reasons. However, I have always found more reasons not to write one (be it time constraints or lack of relavent topic ideas) than to put my prose talents to the test.

So I've mustered up some motivation to attempt to undertake this unique endeavor and my goal is to post once a day. In any case, I am merely human and the fact that it has taken me this long to begin a blog displays the likelihood of this ideal not being reached.

Nonetheless, I have determined the topic of today's post to entail some of the reasons I am starting this adventure. What better place to start than the beginning.

1. I love to write. Hence why I am majoring in Public Relations and Communications. I take great joy in being able to articulate my thoughts, along with others', into carefully constructed writing. No matter what type of writing, poems, papers, or stories, I find satisfaction in not only creating tangible pieces of my mind, but also in seeing others enjoy my abilities.

2. I want to keep my writing skills sharp. They say the more you read good writing, the better you write. Still, it is essential to cultivate one's writing skills to remain vigilant and clear in verbalizing one's thoughts, ideas, etc. Especially since I write across a myriad of styles, remaining consistent, but also clear within genres maintains a top priority.

3. I love sharing. I have a compulsive need to voice my opinion, on anything and everything. A blog will provide another avenue, as if I need one, to contribute to provoking the thoughts of others.

4. Along with sharing, I love learning. Though conventional classroom learning is what I am frequently subjected to, I enjoy just talking with others with different ideas and perspectives. I try my best to keep an open mind. I look forward to exchanging ideas, and connecting and networking with others, both personally and professionally.

5. Why am I starting this blog today? Why this day specifically? I will give you the answer, plain and simple. I'm procrastinating. I love feeling accomplished. But as finals week approaches and I should be studying for exams, I decided a nice little break to express my thoughts seemed like more fun.

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