Friday, February 11, 2011

Is it appropriate to throw up on annoying students in front of me during lecture to voice my complaint?

There is something particularly unfortunate about sitting in a class when you're sleep deprived and nauseous. I mean, it could be worse, I could be at work... oh wait, I will be at work tonight until 8 p.m. before trekking two hours home.

Sitting in this class should warrant I pay attention to the lecturer, and study for my quiz in the class from hell at noon. Yet, procrastination, as per usual, is far more enticing.

On that note, I'm beginning to find evidence that my institution of education is rather ridiculous. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing. My university has a party reputation, which is fine - but the academic deficiency is depressing. Who allows some of these students into these classes, let a lone college in general? I think several of them are barely lucid enough to function in society. Why would you come to class drunk and interrupt my learning? I'm paying over $900 for this class. I think I should be allowed some control over the outcome of this endeavor and therefore be allowed to BOUNCE YOUR ASS out of class.

In addition, some of the educators are lacking in their ability to profess knowledge in any way. Granted, I have been blessed with some great, and very enthusiastic and inspirational professors thus far, many of my teachers have been lackluster. It's comical to me that I can take an online course that requires the reading of ten short stories and viewing their film versions, and never flip a page and still maintain an A in the course. Or to attend a lecture, and be writing a blog and checking my facebook and still manage a 92%. I'm not a genius here folks. Though I do maintain superior organizational and multitasking skills, this isn't rocket science.

I suppose every institution has its pros and cons, it just appears that mine has some cons that feel slightly heavier than the pros. This rant has originated from my frustration with the delinquents seated in front of me who enjoy rambling in a hung over state about nonsense, distracting my subconscious from absorbing the general gist of the lecture. There blatant disregard for my learning and apathy for their own is frustrating.

Yes, I'm bored. Yes, I already know pretty much what we are talking about. Yes, I'm not really "on task." But I'm not bothering or hindering anyone else's learning process. Their violation of basic social norms and borderline mentally impaired actions only surface on Fridays for some odd reason. Fridays, the day that nobody wants to be here anyway. Why can't we all just coast through class and get on with our business in a peaceful manner?

Did I mention I can't wait to graduate?

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