Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Morning T.I.P.

Normally I'd spend my Sunday morning relaxing and going to church to fellowship with my peers. However, due to exams starting at 8 a.m. tomorrow, I'm sitting in bed studying "How science is done." That is literally what my Introduction to Chemistry study guide says. Though this lunacy is not on which I'd like to focus this post, as I am procrastinating studying at the moment.

What I would like to focus on is the content of this morning's Sucker Free Countdown on MTV. What I love about Sucker Free is that it is MTV at it's finest; it's music videos, and not much more, instead of reality tv trash which fills it's airwaves more often than not.

This morning, a majority of the matter has been work by T.I. and B.oB., both artists who I greatly enjoy. Both gentleman, though very different styles, have relatively paramount presence amongst their peers, and radiate an essence of greatness, despite their circumstances. Rap and R&B music, though sometimes beyond provocative, can have such a positive and motivational message that is universally relatable.

I also appreciate artists' abilities to collaborate peacefully and make even stronger music.
This is music; I can enjoy it and I can respect it. This is not music. This is a ploy for attention, and a bad one at that.

Fresh ta death, good music will stand the test of time, no matter what genre. We just have to let it speak for itself.

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