Friday, December 3, 2010

What is the limit?

Some people may call me a goody-two-shoes for never having dabbled in illegal substances, but I really don't care. When it comes to academics, I bust my ass to get the grades I do. Though some subjects come easier to me than others, I have no desire to attempt to "get ahead" by abusing prescription drugs.

I find it amusing, and yet disheartening, that so many of my peers feel so despearte that they need to take drugs, that have similar effects of cocaine, to stay awake for countless hours to cram for exams. Drugs like Adderall don't get you better grades. They merely force you to focus on studying for an extended amount of time. Heaven forbid we just sit in the library free of distractions with our notes in hand and use some old fashioned will power to study. That is just preposterous.

It upsets me because I know the power of these drugs when used properly. My sister is diagnosed with A.D.H.D. and takes the medication to help her stay on task in class. Those undiagnosed and not suffering with the condition are using these drugs without knowing the dangers they pose.

College students seem to think they're invincible and won't encounter any negative effects and it frightens me that they don't take their lives seriously. Granted there are plenty of legal substances that can have adverse effects, I feel like their dangers are more widely known. Students abusing Adderall could be popping a placebo and not even know it because of their lack of knowledge.

I guess the purpose of this rant is to encourage my peers to think twice before consuming illegal substances and to really consider how talented they are before resorting to such extremes. It is NOT meant as a form of judgement. My attitude is that "to each his own." But I value my life, and the lives of the ones I love and would prefer they do their best to live in a healthy manner.

Check out this NY Times article to read more about Adderall abuse in college students.

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